2. Child actress Kyla Pratt popped up when I was watching Veronica Mars, which spurred me to find out what she's been up to. Turns out, she has a 1-year-old kid, and kept it a secret all during her pregnancy. Smart girl. Since the baby daddy is ah, less than impressive, she decided to avoid the negative backlash. "I didn't want to go through that with my pregnancy. The baby can feel what you're feeling..." (source) I think that's a really smart thing for a celebrity to do, if you're able. She was more popular in her younger years, so it was easier for her to drop off the face of the earth for a while. I've never been a fan of her acting, but as a person, she seems like her head is on straight.
3. I LOVE my MyTouch 4G Slide. It is the best phone, with a stellar camera. I took it to an All-American Rejects concert last night (yes they're back in the biz), and it took fantastic pictures (see below). I can also listen to music, watch Netflix, read a book on Kindle, or play Solitaire. It really is an all-in-one phone. AND it's lightning fast. I've had the phone for about 6 weeks, and it has only force-closed an app once. AND that app was a new one, with bugs.
4. I love having blonde hair. I need to get the roots touched up, but having blonde hair just makes me feel a bit lighter when I look in the mirror in the morning. I've always had brown hair, and it just feels dark and heavy. Blondes really do have more fun.
5. My new love is Pinterest. It's like a mass comparison of who has the best taste, except minus the intense competition. I have 6 boards, and I am a pretty active...pinner? Anyway, it's a fun site.
All-American Rejects pics with the band: