So it's been a while...I'm sorry. But not really, because instead of blogging about life, I've been out living it.
Here's a quick recap of 2012:
April-July: Spring semester at BYU-Idaho. Psychology major. love. Went to the lake for 4th of July. ideal. Got a 3.7 GPA my first semester back in real college (cause community college doesn't really count). legit. Decided to go to law school to study Indian Law.
July-Septemberish: Summer break in Spokane. Barbecues. yum. Studying for the LSAT. blech. Hanging with the family. yay? Swimming in our pool and tanning. bliss. Made soap and other homemade beauty and home products with my mom. delicious. I had my dog with me for the summer too. I miss him. (He lives with my grandma during the school year because BYU-I approved housing doesn't allow pets.)
September-December: Fall semester at BYU-Idaho. Asked to be PRESIDENT of the Native American Heritage Association. gulp. Took the LSAT in October, bombed the games section so I'm not really proud of my score, but it got me into law school so oh well. sigh. I completed my law school applications and sent them over Christmas break. Fall semester was rough, I had SO FREAKING MUCH going on. glad it's over. but wait...there's more. law school in the fall.
January-now: Back in Rexburg for my offtrack, taking 14 credits to graduate in July. I hate this blasted weather. I got sick for the first time in over a year, probably thanks to the -18 degree weather (no joke, it was -18 degrees Farenheit). Car decided it wouldn't start unless I jumped it. Luckily, I'd bought a jump starter in December. So I jump started it every time I went anywhere for the first 3 weeks of January, until things warmed up. I'm now a bada** girl who doesn't need a boy to take care of her car! Naturally though, my ignition went out soon after. Had to get that replaced. I'm still president of NAHA, and we are going to South Dakota for spring break, to volunteer at the Cheyenne River Youth Program. I've heard back from 3 of the 12 law schools I applied to. Acceptances all, at Michigan State University, Lewis & Clark, and University of Utah. Each place I applied to has different and significant perks, so unless I get into Yale (hahaha), it's going to be a very tough choice on where to spend the next three years of my life.
And now you're all caught up. Cause ya know you missed me.
Papuci de calitate de la GiAnni
7 years ago