Desktop Hand-Cranked Shredder by A+R Store. For those dark and stormy nights when the FBI is coming for your financials and the power just blinked out. No actually, this isn't incredibly useful, nor do I see myself buying it anytime soon (at $44, it's more expensive than an electric shredder), but it's so freaking cute I couldn't resist. It comes in pink, white and blue. I suggest browsing the entire store, all their stuff is just adorbs.
Playful Arrangement: Add marbles to the bottom of a vase to keep your daisies in the drink and make arranging, well, child’s play.
Muscle Soother: Store a handful of marbles in the freezer, drop them into a thin sock, then roll it across your sore spots for ahh-inducing relief.
Spray-bottle Aid: To pull the last bit of cleaner from a bottle, drop in a few marbles to raise the liquid's level to the spray tube.
Heartfelt Cupcake: After filling a cupcake liner with batter, wedge a single marble between the liner and the pan to create a heart-shaped indent.

Pinwheel Push Pins by Anthropologie. Let me preface by saying, while I have a HUGE weakness for all things Anthropologie, I have a hard time breaking down and paying their exorbitant prices. That being said, I'm going to try and see if I can MAKE something like these $15 (for twenty) beauties, because they are just that amazing.

Cut-out, pop-out votive holders by Studio Tord Boontje for Artecnica. The decorations on the stainless steel mean AWESOME shadows and instant room decorations when you light the candles. $35 for 4, what a deal.
Slip-on Pour Spout by The Kitchen Outlet. Seems like a duh moment for cooks everywhere. I, for one, will be buying one of these $4.99 beauties asap, and kissing splattered tomato soup goodbye!
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