Sunday, April 17, 2011

Can this month be over?

I've been having a rough time lately, mainly because of burnout from my job. I normally work graveyard shift, which is nice and slow, but because we aren't at full staff, I've had to work 2 extra shifts from 2-10pm on Fridays and Saturdays. Swing shift is about 6 times as busy as graveyard shift, so it's kind of like working 6 graveyard shifts in a row. By the 5th day, I'm ready to be done with it, so try doing it all in 8 hours. Needless to say, I've been running ragged, AND I just started taking a class at Spokane Falls Community College. It's Intro to Film, and it's a writing-intensive class, so we have to write a paper and participate in online discussions and responses (a total of 10 paragraphs) every week. I like it so far, but there is quite a bit of work, especially when I'm working full time.

Working swing shift so often lately has woken me up to the fact that I really just don't like my job. I like the people, I like the extra duties I volunteer for (like sending out marketing letters), but the actual job of being on the phone constantly, it's fraying my edges. It's a good thing I've been on graveyard this whole time or I probably would have snapped and quit about 3 months ago. So I'm at a crossroads. I can A) request to only be assigned graveyard, even if means I work only 3 shifts one week; B) quit my job and concentrate on school for a few months; or C) quit my job and try to find another either within the organization or outside.

Right now, I think I'm gonna go with A, but with the option of C if something presents itself. I hate how it seems like I'm flaky on jobs, because I've had SO many in the past 8 years. I realized tonight though, that I switch jobs when the little excitement buzz/butterflies is gone. I had that probably my 3rd month here, when I was kicking butt and getting upsells and good reviews on my calls, but now I just don't care so much. Sure, I think I'm good at my job, but I just don't have that drive to do BETTER anymore. I felt that buzz at the Lewiston Tribune late at night when I was racing against the deadline to get information on an accident for a news bit. I guess I need to figure out if that's something I can learn to live without, or if I can find something I can continually feel that excitement.

I'd like to take an aptitude test or something to pinpoint jobs that would be good for me, though self analysis has already provided me a picture of what I prefer. I like to work as an advocate for the customer. I enjoy making someone's day better, and I don't like sales, because again, I will advocate for the customer, and I have a hard time if what's best for the company isn't necessarily GOOD. Also, I actually like busy work, like data entry or preparing mailings. I don't particularly like to talk on the phone (ironic given my current job as an inbound hotel reservations agent), and I love research but am not a fan of compiling reports summarizing said research. I like working independently, but I also like having coworkers, to share good news when I've done something really well, and to lean on if I need help with something. I like feeling like I'm part of something REAL, and like I have a real purpose to my work.
So summarizing that kind of makes me feel like I need to work for a nonprofit, maybe an housing advocate or legal aid clinic. Or if I just want money, I could always work as a talent agent. Overall though, I just have trouble seeing where my life is headed right now. And I'm tired of swing shift!

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