1. I've been sifting through a friend's facebook pics who has natural brown hair dyed platinum blonde, kind of like me, and she likes dying her hair in ombre shades of blue or purple quite often. She's still in high school. My first instinct? Man, I hope my kids are cool enough to want to do this someday. I'm serious though, I want my kids to feel totally comfortable expressing themselves. If that means goth, dressing like Peggy from Mad Men, drawing on my kitchen walls with 80's Glam Sharpies, whatever! I hope they go for it. Of course, with my luck, my kids will probably be happiest shopping at Eddie Bauer and Cabela's or something.
2. I have this major thing for art deco design. One of my favorite things about Smallville was its art deco focus, especially in the Daily Planet offices and at The Talon. The apartment above The Talon was kinda drool-worthy too. But anyway. If I could go back to the Roaring 20s, Prohibition, decadent velvet couches days, I would totally do it. Well, if modern utilities were included, of course:
3. Pinterest is an amazing place. I think my favorite part about it is going through other people's boards. You can really get to know a person's interests just by the pictures they've posted. After all a picture really is worth a thousand words. Follow my board: 
4. I don't really get...immersed in the hip hop culture, but every once in a while there are a few artists who stand out to me. Flo Rida is one of them. He has a knack for sampling hits from years past and turning them into his own catchy song. I'm sure some people knock him for it, but what can I say, I like his versions! He first did it with Right Round (which sampled "You Spin Me Round" by one-hit-wonder band Dead or Alive), and now my current new favorite, Good Feeling, which samples, of all people, Etta James' "Something's Got a Hold of Me." The beginning of Good Feeling (and the resulting chorus) is all Etta. Lets take another listen, knowing that:
5. I've been having trouble lately trying to plot the next phase of my life. I think, though, that I have it sorted out. First off, I've been deciding if I want to do BYU-Idaho's Fast Grad program, which allows you to take classes year-round, and finish early. If I do that, I'd likely be done, with a BA, in July of 2013. If I just do my normal classes of Spring-Fall semesters, I'd be done in December of 2013. What's the problem, you ask? Winters in Rexburg, Idaho, suck. They are windy and cold and snowy. I don't do windy, cold or snowy. Good grief, my first choice for college was BYU-Hawaii! But a friend pointed out, wouldn't it be better to suck up a few months of misery for another year of your life? Or well, 6 months. So I think I'm leaning toward just sucking it up and getting things out of the way faster. Originally, I was planning on taking that winter semester to volunteer in China at the Starfish Foster Home, but a nifty alternative would be to get my BA in July, THEN go to China, AND since I would have the appropriate degree, I could probably find a job teaching English too. So I could still volunteer, but I would also be making some money, so I could potentially travel around China and see the sights for a year or so before law school. Eh? Eh? Anyway. That's kinda what's brewing in my head. It's kind of based on a lot of Ifs though, as in IF I survive winter in Rexburg, IF I don't fail any classes, IF I don't screw things up by (gasp!) getting married or something. If I do this Fast Grad program though, I'll probably take this year's summer session off so I can have 6 weeks to chill and do nothing til I hit the daily grind again. Thoughts, as usual, are appreciated, but I'm pretty much surfing it day to day at the moment.
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