Sunday, February 5, 2012

Five Fast Findings

1. Any reason why so many "prom dresses" are advertised by models who are definitely not high school age, or even remotely appropriate? Also, any reason why 90% of said "prom dresses" make ANYONE wearing it look like they need a street corner to stand on? Seriously. Mothers PAY for these dresses for their little girl to wear! No wonder prom night has such a bad rep.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:
(note that a lot of high schools not existing within a reality show or teen drama don't even allow dresses that expose the midriff like this)

2. Anyone who likes to read and has not yet purchased a Kindle, run, do not walk, to I got a Kindle Touch for Christmas, and it is one of my best friends. It has almost as many accessories now as my dog (including cozies hand-knitted by moi). My local library also has a digital library where I can "borrow" books on my Kindle for 14 days. It's awesome.

3. At my church, we are organizing a speed friending night. It's like speed dating, only you meet new friends instead of dates. The one difficulty for my detail-oriented self was trying to figure out how to make sure everyone meets each other. Originally, we were just going to have people rotate around a long table (made up of several shorter tables), and talk with the person across from them, but (several paper models and diagrams later..) it turns out they will only meet half of the people that way, skipping every other person. So I finally researched and tested the solution: One lucky duck never moves, and everyone rotates around him. They eventually end up having sat across from each person once. I'm thinking I'll raffle off that one special chair, maybe get a good bribe in the process. I kid, I kid. mostly.

4. I hate cold weather. My parents keep the house at a toasty 65 degrees, which means that by 7pm, I'm sitting in bed, surrounded by down comforters, trying to stay warm and being completely unproductive, as getting anything done would require leaving my cocoon. Hello, Netflix.

5. One thing I can do in bed is knit. I use a variety of plastic-peg knitting looms (round ones, mostly, like the Knifty Knitter brand) to make different sizes of hats. The idea is that I'll donate them once I find an organization. At this time, I'll either donate them to a Romanian orphanage, or to the Cheyenne River Youth Project in South Dakota. It's a youth center for kids on the Cheyenne River Reservation, of which I'm a tribal member. Winters get pretty windy and chilly there in Eagle Butte, SD, so perhaps my hats will be needed. I've got a stack of them about 3 feet high now, tres cool.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Maybe those dresses aren't meant for prom but rather "grown up" evening gowns for special occasions... either way, you make great points about how ridiculous prom & prom dresses are.

    2. That is cool that you can loan books from the library on Kindle. That was one of the reasons I hadn't gotten one.

    3. I think you should take that idea to a dating site because that is a genius idea!!

    4. My cousin knits booties for kids in a really tiny country ... ok, I can't remember where but if you are still looking for an organization & want me to find out just let me know. I think the idea for the Cheyenne River Youth Project sounds like a perfect one for what you already have done.
