That actually reminds me of my grandma's dog. Last July, she got a mini dachshund (named Mini, 0 points for originality there) that was just amazingly yappy and loved to chew on things. During this time, my grandpa was in the last stage of cancer, so he took a lot of naps. Often, he forgot to take his hearing aids out while he was sleeping. One day, Mini ran into the bedroom and PLUCKED A HEARING AID OUT OF HIS EAR FOR HER TO CHEW ON. My grandma found that $1000 chew toy later behind a chair and elected not to mention it to my grandpa, since he and Mini were already on the outs. It somehow became the dirty family secret until one day a few weeks later, when my grandpa mentioned that last hearing aid "that Mini got to." No lie, everyone in the room FROZE, wondering how did he know?? We had all been sneaking around for weeks trying to keep him from noticing he was getting sized for a new hearing aid or paying for another one, etc and he knew all along! Lesson learned: Grandpa always knew when a household pet did something naughty, even if Grandma didn't want him to know.
I have a computer fan under my computer at all times because it overheats (stupid HP Pavilion). Lately, my computer has been really running hotter than it ought to be. Yesterday, I noticed this:

That cord hanging free on the right side SHOULDN'T BE HANGING FREE! It took me at least 3 days to realize this, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that even when I was looking at this cord ball and playing with it, it took a full TEN MINUTES for my brain to process that yes, something was rotten in the state of Denmark. Shelby had chewed straight through the cord on the right side and through the rubber coating on the left side. Not good! Ever since then, I have been vigilant in making sure she stays the heck away from mine or Calvin's computer cords, because I can do without a computer fan, but computer cords are expensive.
Again: ANYWAY...
I keep getting sidetracked in this post. What I'm getting at is that I've been comparing puppies to babies a lot this week. Several of my friends have babies, so of course I'm privy to the ups and downs of being a parent. I'm starting to think though, being a parent vs being a puppy owner isn't much different! Actually, I'm beginning to wonder if a baby isn't easier. At least they don't chew through the computer fan cord or pee all over the kitchen floor I scrubbed for THIRTY MINUTES STRAIGHT. And babies don't steal pizza right off the plate on your lap. Frankly, babies don't go anywhere you don't want them to go. And you don't have to walk outside with them in the freezing air watching to make sure they REALLY poop before letting them inside. Babies also don't forget how strong their jaws are while they're locked around a squawking kitten's NECK.
On the flipside: Puppies don't have massive, soaking bags of diarrhea and yellow poop slung around their waists. Oh wait, puppies just leave the mess in front of the door, blocking you from leaving until you clean it up. And puppies don't...hmm...I honestly can't think of anything else that makes puppies better than babies.
Sigh. babies are clearly winning right now. NOT THAT I'M PLANNING ON GETTING PREGNANT ANYTIME SOON. But oh wise mothers, would you like to leave me reasons why puppies are better than babies? I could use the reminder!
I would say puppies are a good prep for having a baby! but babies are definitely a lot more to handle :) at least puppies don't require you to work out countless hours of the night! I went over 6 months without sleeping 3 consecutive hours! I've always been an animal lover and always wanted lots of animals, but what's funny is that I don't care to have pets now that I have a kid! too much work. plus, all my time, energy, and attention is already going towards my child. I would feel bad not giving the puppy enough attention or something. but who knows, when my kids are a bit older or if I just happen to fall in love with some little pup then I might have a dog at home with me! sorry, I know I'm babbling...ummm babies are expensive! way way waaaay more expensive than animals! BUT they are so worth every penny, every pound gained through pregnancy, every poopy diaper, every sleepless night...everything :)
ReplyDeleteIts funny that most of the things you mentioned that dogs do that babies don't are actually all things that Blake is doing right now... stealing my food off my plate, or even mid-bite, peeing on the floor (potty training), chewing on headphones, going EVERYWHERE you don't want them to (remember they have little fingers while dogs don't), and the list goes on. Plus with a dog you can rightfully lock them up for a little while if you need a break but with kids, you can't leave them or put them out of your sight without risking something happening and child protective services showing up at your front door. Not to mention all the awful pregnancy and all that comes with it crap.
ReplyDeleteAt first (when Blake was about 4 months old) I thought "Hey, this is easier than having a puppy" but actually it was just like having a puppy the first few weeks when they still don't have their eyes open and can't get around too much.
Don't get me wrong, I love having a baby, but just want to throw it out there that NOTHING in this world can prepare you for what you give up once you become a parent. Nothing. And no, husbands don't share in even a fraction of what the mother has to take on, not even in this modern world we live in.