All of the clocks in my house are wrong because I was too lazy to go look up the actual time before putting them on the wall.
(I know that the one in the bedroom is off by an hour and the kitchen ones are off by about half an hour, give or take, so I figure having a general idea is just fine until daylight savings hits. I mean, I've moved like 4 times this year. I'm boycotting setting the clocks one more time until I HAVE to.)
I hide from the animals.
I don't fold fitted sheets; I roll them up in a ball and chuck them in the closet.
I also don't match my socks as often as I should. I usually just take the whole lot of them and throw them in my drawer. Fiance's million socks are all the same brand and style, so he doesn't even have to match them, the lucky buster.
I love eating Lunchables and watching Disney Channel.
I read the Spokesman Review online multiple times a day.
I don't make New Years resolutions because I know I won't stick with them.
I play Bejeweled on Facebook and Mafia Wars on Myspace. And that's pretty much how I spend my day.
I don't mind doing the laundry but I hate hate hate matching and folding socks! it's so annoying! and what sucks even more is that I have 2 other people to do laundry for! oh the joys of being a housewife :) p.s. I can't believe you watch the disney channel! that cracks me up! not even my 13 year old sister watches that anymore lol...