The name, squinty-eyed dog describes my own dog, named Hiro. He has this way of squinting his eyes when he's tired or weirded out by the goings on in the house. It cracks me up. I got him a little over a year ago from a small dog rescue in the Seattle/Bellevue area and he is my favorite animal in the world. Sure, he's kinda creepy and doesn't like anyone else, but I love him very much. He's 11 years old now and doesn't do a lot besides sleep, but he's very attached to me and never feels quite comfortable unless he can see where I am. He was abused in his other life (or lives) and is scared of a lot, including most other humans, dogs and cats (and the puppy and kitty we have skittering around), so most people don't like him, but I do.
Anyway, this is going to be a random blog. I have a lot going on and yet nothing at all, so we'll see what I come up with!
this is me and Hiro back when I first got him:

This is a cell phone picture of Tucker the cat. He was actually sleeping, out cold, for this picture.

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