Tuesday, September 14, 2010

After spending a few hours on match.com, here's what I've learned:

1. Many men are in the military.

2. Most pictures are either self-taken (very up close and personal) or something involving the great outdoors and far away, with the subject bundled in fishing gear, snowboarding gear, hunting stuff or perhaps a wetsuit. Useful.

3. All profess to treat a woman like a lady and are true gentlemen. So either nice guys really do finish last or that's a bunch of crap. Probably a mix of both. welcome to dating sites.

4. Creepy old men from across the country will "wink" at you.

5. Seems like most every guy has a dog or wants one. Too bad my dog doesn't want a new daddy.

6. There are a fair number of 18 or 19-year-old guys who are "so tired of trying to find the right one." Yeah. Wait til you're 23, then we'll talk.

7. Most say sex is the last thing on their mind, or something to that effect. Either that's a lie, or it really is true and that's why they're hanging out on match.com all weekend instead of trying to get some. It would be interesting to compare psychological profiles of these guys on dating websites.

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