Thursday, September 9, 2010

five fast findings: perhaps my life is a bit boring

1. omg Internet Explorer is SO slow. I heart google chrome.

2. My dog stuffed himself! My other dog, Shelby is staying with me for the night before I take her to a better home (literally, not like, code for killing her or anything), and I'm trying to fatten her up from being underfed for a month (I was the one who fed her but I wasn't there for a month), so I put out a can of wet food. Well, shelby went to relieve herself and who but my dog Hiro raced in to finish it off. He ate HALF A LARGE CAN of food and now his little belly is way distended and he's sleeping on his side cause it was uncomfortable sleeping on his stomach. haha.

3. Having a Wii is awesome. I've been playing Wii sports on it. It's even better when I don't have to share it with a precocious 7-yr-old who beats me at everything!

4. There are going to be pig races at the Spokane Interstate Fair (which starts tomorrow). I'm SO there.

5. I really like Miley Cyrus' CD, Can't Be Tamed. At first I thought it was loud and cheesy, but after a few listens, the songs are pretty cool.

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