2. My body has decided to catch someone's sore throat, and my nose is expelling GREEN phlegm. That's a new one for me.
3. I dreamt last night of a little boy, wearing a green T-shirt and blue cargo shorts with cute little brown shoes. He was maybe able 4 or 5 years old, darker complexion, fine brown hair in a bit of a bowl cut, long eyelashes and a smile that could knock me over. I wonder why my mind chose to create him.
4. I've been watching House seasons 5 and 6 over the last week or so, and perhaps I'm watching it too much because when I went to the post office yesterday, I kept waiting for someone to keel over of some heretofore undetectable disease. And old man stumbled and I immediately waited for the ambulance sirens. Of course, it didn't occur to me to find my phone to call 911. Hmm.
5. The package I sent Priority Mail yesterday at about 5pm to Seattle arrived TODAY before noon. Wow. Perhaps the United States Postal Service has a chance to redeem themselves here. I've lost soo many things in the mail in this past year, including checks, important insurance signature papers, cards, etc. Perhaps their motto could be "If we don't get it there fast, we won't deliver it at all."
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