Sunday, September 12, 2010

shoe a thon

I need new shoes so badly. And I can hear my mom's voice now, "you need new shoes like you need a hole in the head" (which is a dumb thing because you DO need holes in the head, a mouth to eat, nostrils to evacuate mucus, ears to hear a fire alarm).

But I digress. I need new shoes! Specifically, high heels. I haven't been to church in like two years but now I'm going back and I have a place to dress up! I have two pairs of heels: a hot pink pair that I was going to wear for my wedding but they're super cute so I'm keeping them; and a pair of low black heels that my mom just bought for me last week.

And there are so many types of cute heels! These are a few of my favorites from

1 comment:

  1. man, you and are so different when it comes to shoes!!! I'm not a high heel fan anyways, BUT those purple pumps are way cute!!! I would totally wear them!
