Saturday, October 23, 2010

Life Lesson #4,984,564:
Friends ask if you're okay.
Good friends are sitting in the cell next to you.
Great friends clean out their bank account to post your bail and tell you not to worry about it.

Poetic thought for the moment:
Don't cry when you're in handcuffs, there's no one to wipe your tears.

Monday, October 18, 2010

because I refuse to twitter

I've decided to post a list of my more recent Facebook statuses (stati for plural?) so that everyone can enjoy them. These have been made pretty much in the last few months:

Had the same conversaion with two separate people which confirmed the theory, "eminem is everyone's guilty pleasure."

I don't get Farkle. So you just roll the dice, and take a risk on whether to keep rolling or keep your score? Really? That's it??

I've had FOUR false sneezing alarms today. My nose hurts.

Aww found a baby worm in my vermicompost bin! They're thriving!

Why do "Power Assist" doors take twice as much exertion to open?

my friend rachel wyman drove over a curb and her muffler fell off! Plus her car is an older honda so without the muffler people keep trying to race her. Hahaha.

my parents left for the weekend (on a trip I did not know about) just in time for their dog to throw up EVERYWHERE. Guess who gets to clean it up.

heehee my dog HATES the ringing of the house phone. I'm listening to him howl at it now. It's soo funny.

Nearly killed myself when my foot snagged on a plastic bag in the bathroom and my head came within inches of the toilet. Im so clumsy, HOW AM I STILL ALIVE??

Saw fresh drops of blood on a downtown spokane sidewalk. Welcome home lindsey, welcome home.

Serves me right i guess, sprayed on perfume and immediately inhaled like half of it. Gross.

ahhhh. the satisfying accomplishment of a sneeze well done.

eew just found a dead, pressed bug inside my book.

I keep sneezing then having the sneeze turn into a cough, so it's like a double assault on my throat. Come on cold, go away!

I need to get my mom to stop shopping at Grocery Outlet. All we have is American Finest sliced cheese and Shopper's Value tortilla chips. Neither of those brands actually taste like Kraft or Tostitos.

"zapped the fabulous right out of him" -House on his gay-turned-straight patient

Luckily I know the House theme song well enough that I can play it in my head while I race to grab my pizza from the oven and not miss a single beat of the show.

forgot the bathroom at work has an automatic flush and it scared the bejeez out of me. sigh. I really have bad nerves. (and follow-up later that evening: yay! I remembered the automatic toilet flusher so it didn't scare me!! Sigh. Sometimes I wonder how I make it through life...)


had enough? believe me, there's plenty more where that came from. Feel free to stalk my facebook, if you're my friend already. One lesson learned on this path to self-discovery (or self-facebookovery) is that a large number of my statuses involve sneezing. hahaha.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

yes, my dog is a child

Five Fast Findings:

1. I posted a few weeks ago that I had finally re-entered the world of popular music. It's so fun listening to music that isn't from high school! Of course, everything that is now deemed "overplayed" is still new to me. I still like Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, and I'm in love with Our Kind of Love by Lady Antebellum. Give it time though, give it time.

2. Are you eating? K, don't read on until you're done. My dog's habit of dragging his butt on the ground apparently indicates he may need his anal glands "expressed." eew, but apparently what you have to do is press on a certain spot under his tail to release the buildup of what's described as foul-smelling fluid. Anyone who's ever met my dog, please feel free to cue laughter now. My dog doesn't even like his collar, let alone some crazy person (me) poking around his a**. After one try, he caught on and simply refused to expose his backside to me. I felt like a pedophile. The vet will have to do it when he gets sedated for his nail trimming (which is a whole nother post).

3. I've started taking Vitamin D, starting at 4,000 IU for a week then will reduce to 2,000, because the Oprah Magazine said it may help me shed abdominal fat. Well, I'm paraphrasing. Here's the article: Super D

4. Because I have so much free time at work to play on the computer, I've begun playing Facebook games. My favorites are Sorority Life, Frontierville and City of Wonder, in that order. I love Sorority Life because you get such cute outfits. I get the rush of shopping, but without spending the money! It's awesome, and I can change outfits a hundred times a day if I want. Here's my latest one, obtained by finding each piece of the outfit through my "sorority sister" postings on facebook:

5. I wrote my very own song this week. Well I didn't do it on my own, my friend Skyler helped me with it, but I wrote the lyrics and he showed me how to play chords on the piano for it and helped me come up with the melody. It was fun. I'm hoping to write another one soon. It's quite a catharsis.

but paying bills is so boring

Next Friday will mark the official arrival of my SECOND full paycheck and I'm a bit overwhelmed at the ways I could spend it.

Here are my top ideas, of which I'll probably only be able to choose one:
1. Have my dog's nails clipped - $100 (yes, $100: $10 for the clipping, $45 for the sedative to knock him out and another $40 to bring him back to life, plus tax. I'm not joking. And that's an improvement, vets used to have to GAS him because he'd fight the sedative.)
2. Real laptop - $300 (my current one is a cute little netbook but cute is about the best adjective for it. It's portable, light, has great battery life, but I'd like to use Photoshop without my computer roaring with laughter at me.)
3. Camera - $150 (mine died about 2 years ago and I made do with my cell phone camera, but the camera on my new phone has actually set mankind back a few years with its crappiness. I'd like new facebook pictures please, and it'd be nice to have some visual stimulation on this blog.)

However. Bills beckon. I spent $40 on two pairs of shoes this week (soo cute. I'd post pics, but see #3 above) but other than that my money went to bills. So the right thing to do is forgo all of the above and just pay bills. right...? Though Hiro's nails/claws/whatever are getting really long. So that could be classified as a bill, but Hiro's sheared claws can't take pictures of my friends playing Extreme Spoons and they sure can't then edit for red-eye in Photoshop. Decisions, decisions.

I swear, I'm not that bad of a singer

So I started voice lessons on Friday. I found the teacher on Craigslist, but I had heard of her name before, she's a local singer. I arrived at her studio, and lo and behold, I had actually met her before at Ross Point Music Camp (which, sadly, is no more. I loved that camp), she had been a counselor there. She didn't recognize me but it definitely helped me feel better about my choice to finally take voice lessons. I learned that I'm a mezzo-soprano, I have good resonance, and that I have some perfection issues (as in, I have to be perfect, even though it's painfully clear I'm not!). That being said, it was a good lesson and I relearned a lot of stuff I was taught in high school choir, such as proper breathing, vocal exercises, scales and other basics. I'm looking forward to my future lessons, and her teaching style and voice philosophies definitely match mine.