Thursday, December 15, 2011

Do they have netflix-erventions?

So I just finished season 2 of Ghost Whisperer, and I'm really into it.

See, I started watching it because originally, I was recommended by the Netflix gods to watch Medium. That failed horribly. Me and Patricia Arquette did not get along. Perhaps some people like her, but I found her character way too jaded and blue-collar to be believable in a supernatural element. Plus, she was supposedly applying to law school and working as an intern for the D.A., but she required a long explanation on how jury selection works. I've known that since I was 12 and read my first John Grisham book.

Anyway, I lasted 2 episodes before getting out, and am now watching Ghost Whisperer, which I love. Here are my impressions of the show:

1. Jennifer Love Hewitt is SO gorgeous. Seriously, if there were a model of the ideal Hollywood actress, she would be it. Angelina Jolie is more "exotic" but Hewitt is the perfect person for this role. Also, her cheekbones are incredible.

2. I also like how even though she's been seeing ghosts since she was a kid, there are still things that scare the crap out of her. (Things that her hot, muscley husband sometimes has to rescue her from. Oh darn.) But it allows one to really get involved in the story. That was part of the problem with Medium, is she didn't have the empathy and depth of feelings that Hewitt's character has. I was too little to watch Party of Five when it was on, so I missed Hewitt's teen-stardom era, but this show is really making me appreciate her talent as an actress. This show is labeled both as "emotional" and "scary" on its Netflix page, which goes to show how much work Hewitt has covering both ends of the inspirational and pure terror spectrum, all in the same 42 minutes. Most episodes start off with some sort of freaky apparition, usually worse with violent deaths, because apparently ghosts only start to look normal again when they interact with humans more (ie. when they start talking to Melinda). By the end of the episode, she's resolved the major emotional issues holding the ghost back, which I'll be honest, causes the eyes to well up a bit. I mean, come on, in one episode, she reunited a woman with a daughter who was kidnapped 13 years prior. Who wouldn't be moved by that?

3. The relationship that Melinda (Hewitt) and Jim have is probably one of the cutest long-term relationships on TV. The show's first episode features their wedding, so we see them only as a married couple, but their relationship is incredibly solid and supportive. If ever a man were the "rock" in a marriage, it's Jim. Whenever Melinda gets into trouble with violent ghosts, he is always there saving her, without even batting an eye. AND he's a paramedic. who wears firefighter gear on occasion. yum. He doesn't even really have flaws, which is great for us girls needing eye candy. While it may not always be realistic, it keeps the focus on the show's main plot. But anyway, they have cute couple-y interludes that provide some buoyancy to the show's heavy themes, and really gives us a nice "true love" angle.

4. I love Professor Payne. I think he and Melinda have the cutest innocent relationship. If Jim weren't around, I could easily see Melinda and Payne falling in love, albeit with a completely opposite relationship from her and Jim's! Melinda and Jim are always in sync, on the same page. Melinda and Payne are constantly clashing and bickering, but in a mutual-respect way, with passion.

5. I normally whip through Netflix shows pretty quick. Well, I mean, One Tree Hill took a while, but it's also 8 seasons to slog through. For some reason though, Ghost Whisperer is so content-heavy that it's taking me a while to get through the seasons. Of course, I was watching Rizzoli and Isles on disc at the same time (which I love, btw), but still, Ghost Whisperer is not a "playing-in-the-background" type of show. I really have to concentrate.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Too bad you can't fake hotness

1. I have a theory that the number of hot guys in England is so small that when one is found, they're immediately thrown into Hollywood and promoted to superstar status in the U.S., mainly because you can't fake that elegant, proper accent. BUT if you compare their looks alone with non-British guy of the same hotness caliber, they aren't really anything special.

Case #1: Colin Firth. He's not that hot. He's good-looking, sure, but if he was American, would he still be stalked by every girl who's seen Pride and Prejudice? No.

Case #2: Robert Pattinson. Really, do I need to go into more detail? Fine, he's good-looking, but if we base it on looks alone between him and say, boy-next-door Chad Michael Murray, sorry, Chad wins.

Thus, my conclusion is that British actors are misinterpreted as being much hotter than they actually are, because of the accent and British mysteriousness.

HOWEVER, I will acknowledge the rare exception. Henry Cavill, the new Superman actor for the 2013 movie. He definitely rates a 10 on my hotness scale on looks alone. The fact that he has a British accent just gives him that extra squeal factor. While I think the last thing the Superman franchise needs is another awkward "reboot," I'll definitely be watching it for him.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Let's play with Ghost Whisperer outfits!

I've been on a serious Netflix kick for the last year (sadly, I know), and my latest show is the Ghost Whisperer, since Medium was really lame. I'm loving Ghost Whisperer, and Melinda (Jennifer Love Hewitt) has some really cute, vintage-inspired clothing. My favorite so far (I'm only on episode 3) is this amazing ivory-white long dress, short-sleeved with a Swiss dot pattern. Here are some little screenshots:

I think it looks like the J. Crew wedding dress Daphne (below). Introduced in January 2007, it sold out super fast, and has since been a coveted dress for copycats, since it's nearly impossible to find on the secondhand market. I'd love to find a similarly shaped dress for my future wedding.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Quotes from the Fam

This summer and fall, I've spent a lot of time on school. I'm getting my Associate of Arts degree in about a week! woot! But anyway, life has been busy. Still, I've found time to hang out with the family. Here are some clips from the lovely unit that I'm related to.

(originally posted on facebook, starting with the oldest one)

1. (leaving on the first trip where I've been able to join my parents and brother Dallin).
Dallin: Spacewise, we're missing that 3-4 cubic feet we had before.
Me: you're saying I'm worth 3-4 cubic feet?"

2. My mom made a funny!
Mom: "we're not coming home until you clean the bathroom."
Me: "Uh, what's the incentive?? You know that's not really a good punishment, right?"
(now I was expecting her to chew me out, but instead,)
Mom: "Haha, you'd miss me."

3. So not only did my bro evade pool cover duty by hiding on the front porch, but he was talking to a GIRL and he won't tell me her name!

4. Grandma made brownies. Yesssss.

5. Mom: "I used to dress you guys really cute so I'd WANT to take care of you."
(as I stared in shock at her, she tried to clarify,)
Mom: "Cause kids aren't always a joy to take care of, you know."...didn't help

6. My mom has this new generic hairspray that is not only Extra Hold, but also Conditions and has sunscreen! Wow!...sarcasm.

7. (on Texas) Mom: "It's just another state, it's not like, another country."

8. My brother pointed out that with Obama, Jintao and other Asia-Pacific leaders in Honolulu (where we're visiting), we are probably the top city for a bombing right now. Thanks for that.

9. WHY would they make a phone that turns off when you drop it?? What a pain.
Dallin: "Maybe they REALLY don't want you to pocket dial."

10. ‎"The parking lot was was a white car so I didn't see know." -my mom on a fender bender she was in. It was TILTED. You can't make this up.

11. Me: "I should dye my dog's hair blonde so he looks like me."
My brother: "then he'd look like a giant twinkie."

Friday, July 29, 2011

changed my twitter name

So I changed my twitter name. It used to be S**t My Dog Poops, like the S**T My Dad Says twitter/book/failed TV show, but I'm going a more family-friendly route and actually going to work on getting it out there. So here's my new twitter: Stuff My Dog Poops. If anyone else comes up with something more creative, let me know!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Craftacular World: Diy hip-t

Craftacular World: Diy hip-t: "I'm sure you have seen these all over the place! Genius! Why didn't I think of that??? of course I must have had some inkling of a craft su..."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

HA I always knew paper towels were better than air dryers

Whilst perusing my July 2011 O Magazine, I discovered a pretty interesting article entitled "Health Myths - Busted" and it covers 6 topics, thus establishing that:

1. Sitting to close to the screen DOESN'T ruin your eyes
2. Vitamin C prevents scurvy, not colds.
3. Jet hand dryers are actually LESS sanitary than paper towels, and spews germs more than six feet (I've been saying this for years, no one believed me).
4. Nothing in a glass of warm milk helps you sleep better, but it could be a placebo effect for you.
5. Pouring hydrogen peroxide on a wound actually slows the healing process.
6. Green mucus is NOT caused by a bacterial infection, it could be viral also (this one is lame).

Go read the article! I recommend it: Health Myths - Busted

Favorite Logos

I discovered this website where these women (former models, no less) actually handmake/cobble leather sandals. Impressive, and all I noticed was that their logo is awesome. I definitely would love to be a graphic designer (among a million other professions). So here is a collection of my favorite logos:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Movie Review: Life As We Know It

I'm thoroughly enjoying a movie I found at my local Redbox. It's called Life As We Know It, and stars Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel. Basically, their characters, Holly and Messer are polar opposites and don't get along at all, but they're godparents to Sophie, the baby daughter of their mutual friends, Peter and Allison. When Peter and Allison are killed in a car crash, and Holly and Messer are named co-guardians of Sophie.

One thing that frustrates me a bit is that Katherine Heigl's only successful role it seems, is playing the Type A control freak, and Josh Duhamel is typically seen playing the devil-may-care bad boy, and then, they almost exaggerate them here. So I mean, if those are the only two roles they can play, then sure, it's a good movie for those two, but eh, they could stand to branch out a bit.

One thing Heigl and Duhamel know is comedy, and they have hilarious moments that leave me clutching my stomach. I'll list a few snippets: neither of them know how to change a diaper so it's a crash course that he abandons her in...then the neighbors show up as she's finishing, and she doesn't know about the poop on her cheek; Holly takes a one-time night off to drink a bottle of wine and the social worker makes an unannounced visit...later they eat pot brownies, also as a one-time thing...and the social worker again shows up; he tries to teach her how to ride a gets run over by a bus; Sophie starts to poop in the bathtub and they can't get the childproof toilet open in Holly grab Messer's hat off his head....; get the idea? It's a funny movie.

Overall, the movie ending is predictable, but any romantic comedy has to pair them off by the end, so I'm not mad. And the premise of the movie is still believable while keeping us on our toes about what's going to happen.

What I took away from it: This is an excellent example of how any two people, no matter how different, can fall in love and have a beautiful life, if they both work at it.

Quotes that made me laugh:

"It's like slumdog millionaire in there!'s like a poop unit"

"If I knew where the Wiggles lived, and, I'm working on it, I would murder them with an AK-47."

"I can't believe he asked you out, doesn't that defy some docter-patient thing?"
"Well he's a pediatrician, so if he's dating a patient, yeah, that's a problem."

VERDICT: Good for a laugh on your own, good for date night, good for the 15+ girl's sleepover, even co-ed parties would probably enjoy it. Younger kids probably won't be too into it, it's not wildly inappropriate, but there is swearing/drinking/illegal drugs/sex innuendos (nothing shown though).

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm not always this melancholy, I promise

So I write poetry and song lyrics sometimes, but it's usually when I'm feeling my worst. Luckily, those times are few and far between these days, but because that's the only time I write, it seems, if you read my stuff, like that's how I feel all the time! Totally not true. So I'd like to share a song I wrote the other day, just bear in mind that I'm NOT feeling like this now! At least I can constructively use my sad moods, right?

Why can't I trust the world?
And trust myself to them
I'm fighting a lie
Living without a life

And I remember
the years I lost
believing an illusion
following the reason
I have these scars

Why can't I fall in love?
And give myself to him
I'm dying alive
But I can't bring myself to survive


I feel the pain of all I'm losing
But I lost control to heal it.
I'm scared to be alone, and scared to trust someone...


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Five Fast Findings

1. Anyone else weirded out about Casey Anthony? I'd like to read transcripts of the trial, but I'm inclined to bet (as a law student-friend suggested) that since she's not really bright and her lawyer is inept, the prosecution dropped the ball. Disgusting, proving "beyond all reasonable doubt" shouldn't be so hard it lets the guilty go free.

2. I'm watching Shrek Forever After and it's kind of hilarious. I wouldn't have paid $9 at the theater ($1 at Redbox, baby), but seeing Puss in Boots as a pampered, fat lapcat makes it almost worth it:

3. So my phone, a Samsung Intercept, has some serious letdowns. Overall, it's a pretty good phone, I just got it, and I'm liking the cell reception that Virgin Mobile provides (via sprint), but if it dies, then there's this flashing Samsung logo across a black screen, then even when I charge it, it doesn't go away unless I hook it up to the computer (it comes with a USB cord) to "kick it out" of that mode. But then today, it wouldn't get on the network and texts I tried to send out wouldn't send, plus I didn't receive any messages in the past 12 hours. It was incredibly weird. All customer service at Virgin said was that it didn't look like it'd ever been properly put on the network because my number was ported from T-Mobile. WTF? I've been using this phone for several weeks now! So when the lady started giving me information on how to get it on the network, she told me to grab a pen and paper, and i was like yeah whatever I can remember it...then she started spouting off a crazy weird number to check the msid (##847446#, whyyyyyyyy virginmobile) and I was like crap, I better write this down. Luckily I had a red sharpie on my nightstand, and my new August 2011 Glamour Mag. Done deal. Pretty sure Virgin was just full of it cause my phone info was accurate but whatever. I guess I just didn't receive any text messages last night or this morning.

4. I need a new swimming suit. My current one provides the WEIRDEST tan lines, since that purple flower at my neck is PART of the swimming suit, leaving a nice large, white spot at the end of the summer, just high enough to be seen with every shirt I own. (photo taken years ago, on a boat. I need a new swimming suit regardless, I've had it for soo long):

5. I went to Seattle this weekend. The flagship REI store was cool, the Mariners game was...interesting (they lost), and the Fremont Troll was covered in tourists. Pretty cool for a place that used to be overrun by loitering teenagers and drug dealers. Go Seattle!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The clothes are really cute, okay?

I have a confession. I am addicted to Sorority Life on Facebook. It's the BEST game ever, especially for a window-shopaholic like me.

Anyway, more on the game later, but every so often, the creators open up "study abroads" for us to go to and complete to get new outfits and accessories. Beijing just closed, and now there's a poll open on the Sorority Life Forum to get input on where we should "go" next. A lot of people are voting for London, but I'm voting for Russia. Fur everything, matryoshka dolls as "pets" and heavy, rich-looking evening gowns? Yes. This sums up everything I want for a Russia study-abroad:

(Britney Spears, Elle Magazine October 2000)

Vote Russia for Sorority Life! and maybe help me find a job!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I never got a tricycle as a kid...

So I got sucked into an Internet ad the other day (yes, sometimes they really work) and discovered the Can-Am Spyder Roadster. Basically a motorcycle, except it has two wheels in the front, presumably for better control (and, ahem, better balance). So curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to find out how much they are. Enter Craigslist...

they make pink ones.

(cue Hallelujah chorus)

(please note: link may be invalid at the time you read this, it is included for reference)

This is a 2008 model (how have they been making them for that long and I've never heard of it??), priced out at just under $15,000, with about 5,000 miles on it, from SS Auto Brokers in Ogden. Is it redundant to say I WANT IT?

Washington State requires a motorcycle license to operate this, though, due to its oddness, that is not necessarily the case for other states. The Can-Am website does provide state-by-state requirements. Smart.

For me, I think the draw is that it's "open-air" and I don't have to worry about a patch of gravel taking me out like it would on a bike. That being said, apparently these things only get a max of 35mpg on the freeway, which sucks compared to your average bike, and regardless of whether it's pink or black, these definitely look like chick bikes. There's also a semi-automatic option on them, so it's easier to shift than a standard motorcycle. Bonus for me, but kinda hurts the street cred. I'm so terrible with shifting and using the clutch that who knows if I'll ever get a bike for real. It's no fun if I kill it every time I come to the freaking stoplight. The new automatic-transmission bikes have me hoping though...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I heart customizing I heart tees...did you follow that?

The great thing about the Internet is how it can produce anything my noggin dreams up. Case-in-point: Customizable "i heart" tees at

They come in quite a few styles for both genders (BONUS! women also have a nice thong underwear option!! sense my mildly amused sarcasm!) and child-sized and infant tees are offered as well, to get the whole family in on the craze. You can actually see what the finished product would look like with the site's nifty preview option, and prices for tees range from $14-$22, which, unless you're planning on individually supporting every member of your high school football team, is pretty affordable.

So you could, for instance, purchase some supporting a dear friend (ie. I Heart Josh Smith), and how cool would it look if you and 10 other girls all showed up wearing those shirts just for him?? And then, when he makes you all angry by not properly acknowledging the effort, you hit him with this little beauty:

I also sense a marketing trend!! Who can resist visiting my blog after this:

This site is going on my bookmarks list.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

If I have an illness, then it's afflicting most of our female population too

I just found another shoe subscription site: And their shoes are hot! I liked more of the styles that ShoePrivee offers, but there was enough at Just Fab to make me stop and think about it. As well, when I signed up (just now), they offered 50% off of any item for the next 24 hours, meaning a pair of shoes for $20 instead of $40. Now that's something I'm considering, because I spend much more than that on not-quite-as-hot shoes easily in a day at the mall.

I have a hard time with these shoe-subscription sites (including ShoeDazzle), because I'm not willing to pay $40 of my hard-earned money on a shoe that is described by: "Lightly textured faux patent leather perches atop its faux cork heel." I mean, really? I have several patent leather pumps that I love dearly, and I definitely paid 5 bucks for them in the clearance section at Deb, so I'm not about to spend $40 on the same thing when I could be buying 8 pairs of shoes!

Still, it is fun to look at all the pretty shoe styles. And let's note, I generally wear heels one day a week, Sunday, for approximately 3 hours, where I'm mostly sitting. So those 5-inch heels don't scare me as much as they might another person!

I got an email from ShoePrivee early this morning (3am) advertising one of their new wedges, the Anita shoe, for only $9.95 for the next 24 hours, to new members. Well heck, I'm a new member, AND it included free shipping! I love free shipping! So I BOUGHT IT. I'm not usually a "wedge" type of person, and this shoe isn't usually my style, but $9.95 is cheaper than what i spend on a nice shoe at Target, so I'm excited to try a new style. Isn't it pretty?

And here is the shoe that I'm seriously considering getting at Just Fab. I'm going shoe shopping today, and if this one is still kicking around the noggin in a few hours, I'm getting it. The Langley:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I've decided I need these shoes:

Qupid System-258

Unfortunately, they are out of my size at I actually discovered this shoe through, which is kind of like ShoeDazzle: you get to pick from shoes in a monthly "showroom" and pay exorbitant amounts of money ($39.95) for cheap shoes that are made from manmade materials (earlier on ShoeDazzle, I saw this shoe description: "Tough gets softer touch in velvety faux suede."). But I digress. Anyway, I need the above-pictured shoe.

I'd love to become a shoe buyer or fashion merchandiser. I absolutely adore finding just-quirky-enough-to-be-cute-but-crazy-enough-to-get-comments-all-day shoes, and I really do find some random ones. Or even better, I'd love to start my own shoe store. But shipping tends to suck for online shoe stores, and in-person stores have a hard time making it without a hundred thou in capital. Qupid shoes actually is a wholesale shoe seller and after perusing their merchandise, I know they would be a favorite supplier of mine. Sigh. in another life.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

oh the weather outside is frightful

You would think, being May 28th, that the sun might deign to appear today. But here I am, looking at a white, cloudy sky. The past few days have been odd too, I keep getting tricked into thinking it's a beautiful day with clear blue as far as you can see, but then I'll glance out the window 20 minutes later, and it's raining.

However, the crazy weather IS making me more spontaneous. I'm learning that if I see an opening of good weather, I just have to throw my running clothes on and zip my dog into his collar asap to at least get a mile in before it ends.

Speaking of my dog, I recently procured a retractable leash and it is AMAZING how much easier it is to go on a walk with him! No more leash pulling, no more slowing to a walk if he's depositing a single drop of his essence on a plant. The problem has been, his walk is too fast for my walk, but his run is too slow for my run, which means that generally one, or both, of us is going to be tugging on the leash. Now, with my nifty 16-foot retractable leash, I just hold one end and he does what he needs to do. If he speed-walks ahead, I've got a good 16 feet before I need to jog and catch up with him. Generally too, he is pretty good about not maxing out the length and he sticks with me, but those few extra feet make the difference if I misstep and he has to jump away or something. He is usually scared that I'll step on him, but we've been doing very well on the retractable leash. I do kind of wish the leash had a little fishing pole-type reel though, because sometimes he's at the end of the 16 feet and I need to "reel" him in due to a car or another dog. Perhaps I'll become an inventor and create one.

I did chuckle though when, on the packaging, it warned me that because of the extra length, my dog might have more time to make headway and pull me off my feet. Right. 15 pounds. I think I can take him.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How did they make those Lady Gaga costumes?

I'll add an update on LIFE in a little bit but for now, I have to discuss Glee. I'm watching season 1 on Netflix and sure, it's cool for what it is, but I'm a realist, so sometimes it's hard to suspend reality and just believe that a teeny high school glee club is suddenly flush enough with funds to have smoke and flames shooting from the stage during a performance of a Kiss song...for exactly 8 audience members. Though, I guess it is a good exercise to jump into loopy-land for a bit and watch a performance of Bad Romance complete with a professional stage and lighting. Certainly, Glee is entertaining, but it doesn't GRAB me like a good drama does. It seems to serve as a vehicle for musical entertainment. Luckily, they sing well. Though, I did enjoy the twist with a main character singing Jesse's Girl when he finds he likes a girl who is dating a guy named Jesse in the group. Nice touch.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Can this month be over?

I've been having a rough time lately, mainly because of burnout from my job. I normally work graveyard shift, which is nice and slow, but because we aren't at full staff, I've had to work 2 extra shifts from 2-10pm on Fridays and Saturdays. Swing shift is about 6 times as busy as graveyard shift, so it's kind of like working 6 graveyard shifts in a row. By the 5th day, I'm ready to be done with it, so try doing it all in 8 hours. Needless to say, I've been running ragged, AND I just started taking a class at Spokane Falls Community College. It's Intro to Film, and it's a writing-intensive class, so we have to write a paper and participate in online discussions and responses (a total of 10 paragraphs) every week. I like it so far, but there is quite a bit of work, especially when I'm working full time.

Working swing shift so often lately has woken me up to the fact that I really just don't like my job. I like the people, I like the extra duties I volunteer for (like sending out marketing letters), but the actual job of being on the phone constantly, it's fraying my edges. It's a good thing I've been on graveyard this whole time or I probably would have snapped and quit about 3 months ago. So I'm at a crossroads. I can A) request to only be assigned graveyard, even if means I work only 3 shifts one week; B) quit my job and concentrate on school for a few months; or C) quit my job and try to find another either within the organization or outside.

Right now, I think I'm gonna go with A, but with the option of C if something presents itself. I hate how it seems like I'm flaky on jobs, because I've had SO many in the past 8 years. I realized tonight though, that I switch jobs when the little excitement buzz/butterflies is gone. I had that probably my 3rd month here, when I was kicking butt and getting upsells and good reviews on my calls, but now I just don't care so much. Sure, I think I'm good at my job, but I just don't have that drive to do BETTER anymore. I felt that buzz at the Lewiston Tribune late at night when I was racing against the deadline to get information on an accident for a news bit. I guess I need to figure out if that's something I can learn to live without, or if I can find something I can continually feel that excitement.

I'd like to take an aptitude test or something to pinpoint jobs that would be good for me, though self analysis has already provided me a picture of what I prefer. I like to work as an advocate for the customer. I enjoy making someone's day better, and I don't like sales, because again, I will advocate for the customer, and I have a hard time if what's best for the company isn't necessarily GOOD. Also, I actually like busy work, like data entry or preparing mailings. I don't particularly like to talk on the phone (ironic given my current job as an inbound hotel reservations agent), and I love research but am not a fan of compiling reports summarizing said research. I like working independently, but I also like having coworkers, to share good news when I've done something really well, and to lean on if I need help with something. I like feeling like I'm part of something REAL, and like I have a real purpose to my work.
So summarizing that kind of makes me feel like I need to work for a nonprofit, maybe an housing advocate or legal aid clinic. Or if I just want money, I could always work as a talent agent. Overall though, I just have trouble seeing where my life is headed right now. And I'm tired of swing shift!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Reflections on being 24

I turned 24 more than a month ago, and in some ways I feel older, other ways I feel younger. Sometimes I feel so young, and immature, and nowhere near prepared for the world, even as I draw closer to being a quarter of a century old. At the same time though, I've felt and gone through more than I'd wish on anyone. I don't think I've gone through more than anyone else, and I'm well aware that there's a lot of life that I've yet to experience. But I've felt many emotions that a human being is capable of, and some of them, I'm just fine with not ever feeling again.

I often feel like a kid: still worried about what people think of me, still obsessed with dressing to achieve a certain look or fit in with a certain group. I still feel the rollercoaster butterflies in my stomach when I meet a new guy, and the crash of getting rejected. The caveat is that I'm learning those feelings don't necessarily go away with physical age.

I often feel like I'm being stunted, because I WANT to mature and embrace a family, grow up and have a career. I often feel like I'm living in limbo, living a half-life, working full-time, but not at a job that will become a career, and owning a dog who gets treated like my child, but without a human child of my own.

I'm not sure, at this moment, where life is going for me. I nearly typed "where life is going to carry me," but I reject the notion that we have no control over our destiny. I believe we are the ones who decide our life path. I could have graduated 2 years ago from BYU, but instead I dropped out. Sure, I have anxiety, but truly do wish I'd known then what I know now. How differently my life would have turned out. I wish I'd sought help sooner. I wish I'd taken advantage of tutoring and study classes. It's not that I didn't care about school, it's that I couldn't.

I have this recurring dream, a nightmare, really, except not in the classic childhood sense, but in the dream I'm going to school over a period of several months, except I never make it to all of my classes in a day, and then, halfway through the semester I realize I've only been to my math class twice, and it's too late to even bother attending now. I go to a few classes as a token gesture, while trying to avoid the teacher, who is aware I haven't attended his class. The neverending guilt and dread continue to eat me alive as I continue to wind down attendance in all of my classes, to where a passing grade is impossible, and that once again, I've failed. That dream is more terrifying to me than any monster, because I've lived it, and I've lived the consequences of it, and I'm so scared that I'll repeat it.

I'm not sure, at this point, how to stop the cycle. In many ways, my life is stable enough now to avoid many of my problems that cropped up when I was at Westminster. I live at home and pay no rent, I have a stable job, and I have a dog, whose presence eases my mind daily. I think if I were to begin classes again, I'd likely be fine, but that fear still grips me.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How long would it take to make one of these with my mom's old sewing machine?

Speaking of Anthropologie, I've been lusting after this $198 duvet cover for several weeks now:

Isn't it DIVINE?? Really any of the bedding on Anthropologie would be greedily accepted by yours truly, but I am blocked once again by Anthropologie's high prices. Sigh. Another duvet cover that I cry over at night is at Urban Outfitters:

Soo fluffy and luxurious, it makes me want to leap into bed and never, ever leave. I'm about one unexpected paycheck increase away from paying the $148 for a queen size cover. Urban Outfitters' bedding, like Anthropologie, has that effect on me.

I blame the editors of Real Simple Magazine.

Things I need. Now.

Desktop Hand-Cranked Shredder by A+R Store. For those dark and stormy nights when the FBI is coming for your financials and the power just blinked out. No actually, this isn't incredibly useful, nor do I see myself buying it anytime soon (at $44, it's more expensive than an electric shredder), but it's so freaking cute I couldn't resist. It comes in pink, white and blue. I suggest browsing the entire store, all their stuff is just adorbs.

Marbles. Basic marbles. Real Simple March 2011 suggested several ways to use them, including:
Playful Arrangement: Add marbles to the bottom of a vase to keep your daisies in the drink and make arranging, well, child’s play.

Muscle Soother: Store a handful of marbles in the freezer, drop them into a thin sock, then roll it across your sore spots for ahh-inducing relief.

Spray-bottle Aid: To pull the last bit of cleaner from a bottle, drop in a few marbles to raise the liquid's level to the spray tube.

Heartfelt Cupcake: After filling a cupcake liner with batter, wedge a single marble between the liner and the pan to create a heart-shaped indent.

Pinwheel Push Pins by Anthropologie. Let me preface by saying, while I have a HUGE weakness for all things Anthropologie, I have a hard time breaking down and paying their exorbitant prices. That being said, I'm going to try and see if I can MAKE something like these $15 (for twenty) beauties, because they are just that amazing.

Cut-out, pop-out votive holders by Studio Tord Boontje for Artecnica. The decorations on the stainless steel mean AWESOME shadows and instant room decorations when you light the candles. $35 for 4, what a deal.

Slip-on Pour Spout by The Kitchen Outlet. Seems like a duh moment for cooks everywhere. I, for one, will be buying one of these $4.99 beauties asap, and kissing splattered tomato soup goodbye!

Book Review: The Pioneer Woman by Ree Drummond

The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels - A Love Story by Ree Drummond

A memoir/love story, this book was a wonderful, fun and squeal-worthy read about a self-proclaimed city girl who falls in love with an Oklahoma rancher. It reads like a romance novel, complete with the (yes) squeals and swoons, but it's an actual true story! She's a hilarious writer, with wonderfully graphic details about a prank her new brother-in-law pulled on her (involving a cow's rectum and what comes out of it), as well as girl-I've-been-there moments (spilling the contents of her purse EVERYWHERE in front of two decidedly female-shy cowboys) and the treat of her miserable, though entertaining first pregnancy. I felt like the book ended suddenly and I wish she'd written more, but the book JUST came out on Feb. 1, 2011, so hopefully she'll get to work pronto on the next book! She previously wrote The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl, which was a best seller. She has been married to her cowboy for 12 years now, and the book just barely covered the birth of their first child (conceived on their honeymoon) so she certainly has plenty of material for a few more books if this one sells well, nudge nudge. I've already recommended this to several friends and now recommend it to everyone in the blogosphere! Ree started out with her own blog (where she posted her love story before deciding to make it into a book), so see what she has to say about her own book:

Neon Angel by Cherie Currie

Neon Angel: A Memoir of a Runaway by Cherie Currie

I first learned about The Runaways when the movie about the band came out, starring Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart. The movie is based on Neon Angel, so of course that piqued my interest. The book was entertaining in the best way, a mix of the best dream and worst nightmare. I found myself learning lessons from this book, namely, that if Cherie Currie can come back from the worst kind of abuse and reinvent herself, then surely those who haven't been through such trauma can find ways to cope in their own lives. This was also a shocking review of how poorly child stars were treated in the 70s, and it makes the reader hope that things have changed today, though we have suspicions they haven't, in many ways. The book had some parts that lagged or didn't quite match continuity, but as a whole, it was a well-written and well-edited memoir, which is certainly not the norm, especially for a writer who is normally a chainsaw artist nowadays! I recommend this book to all fans of The Runaways, and all those who dream of being a Hollywood rock star. This book might change your dreams a bit, or at least strip away any naivete.

Book Review: Kasey to the Rescue by Ellen Rogers

Visual Bookshelf is a great way to organize all of these incredible books I've read.

Kasey to the Rescue by Ellen Rogers

A fascinating subject about a mother's quadriplegic son and his service monkey, but I think the real strength is her writing ability. Ellen's style makes me wish for another memoir about HER life, even if it's not as eventful as someone else's. She walks a delicate balance between humor and intelligent analysis, with an engaging speaking style. I say speaking style because I felt as though she were telling me the story in person. I found myself holding my breath, wondering what would happen next, and then experiencing the same joy she conveyed. I really do hope to see more work from her, but until then, this book is an inspiring and funny story. I think we'll all want a monkey when we're done reading it.

Click on the picture above to purchase a signed copy of the book (only $23.99! I wish I'd done that). You can also visit for more information on the story.

Book Review: Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson

Another Visual Bookshelf review:

Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin

I wish Greg Mortenson had told this story in the first person. I didn't feel as connected to the people as I did when reading his follow-up book, Stones Into Schools. This is a good read, but it does get a little weighted down with explanations of the back regions. Though necessary for the average American reader, I would have preferred more emphasis on the people than the region and land. It's worth the read to get inspired about helping CAI continue to build schools in these terrorism-ridden regions.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Book Review: I Beat the Odds by Michael Oher

I've started using a Facebook application called Visual Bookshelf, and I posted this same review there:

I Beat the Odds: From Homelessness to the Blind Side and Beyond by Michael Oher

As someone who loved The Blind Side movie, this was a wonderful addition. When I saw the movie, I was wondering what was exaggerated or changed for the movie and what was true, so this book filled in all the blanks for me. For editing junkies, there are some neglected grammatical errors and misspellings that escaped the publisher/editors' notice, but overall I enjoyed this book. It's written as an inspiration to foster kids to get out of poverty, and to that end, Michael did an excellent job of continually linking stories to how he "beat the odds." While he had assistance in writing the book, it's clear the book is controlled by him, and I appreciated that. We all could learn from his fight to get out of the ghetto, even if we've never known such dire conditions. He included excerpts from letters he received, telling how his story has already inspired kids in less-than-ideal circumstances, and it's a pretty powerful read.

Calvin Klein Licia Sandal

I love these shoes. I NEED these shoes. I saw them in an ad in Real Simple (March 2011 for those who care, page 28) and they just seemed so comfortable! BUT all they have at and Amazon is black. yech. I need these in the camel color! Seems like everyone is selling out quickly. So I guess I'll just set up an auto-search on eBay so I get an email if it pops up. Not like I won't be checking every day for the next few weeks like I always do when I get a bug in my ear about a new item of clothing..

Five Fast Findings

1. I feel like I've embraced life lately, mainly due to my newfound enjoyment of running. I recently realized I prefer running because it's outside, which has opened my eyes to the possibilities of more outdoor sports, such as rock climbing and triathlons. A year ago the idea of me running a triathlon would have elicited rolled eyes and a self-depreciating sigh. Now, it's actually an option, and not because I'm necessarily in better shape than a year ago, but because I'm allowing myself the possibility.

2. I love working graveyard for numerous reasons. Tonight though, there is a slight drawback. Sometimes, I have to go to the bathroom. During day shift, it's no big deal to have someone cover me on the phones while I race to the bathroom, but sometimes I have to go RIGHT NOW and of course the supervisor has just left for his half-hour lunch break. Not that I'm complaining about graveyard (I still love it), but tonight has reminded me that there are a few disadvantages.

3. A few months ago, I had a problem with Fedex. I was tracking my package and it was on time for delivery, until the DAY arrived. Then, I checked where it was at and Fedex actually claimed there was a "natural disaster" and the shipment would be delayed 3 days. Being as how I was unaware of any natural disaster (and a google news search brought up nothing), I was mystified. Now, Fedex has struck again. I have several packages being sent by Fedex and as of yesterday, they were set to arrive tomorrow. I checked today and guess what? All of them are being delayed 3 days. What gives Fedex?? UPS and the postal service never have problems!

4. I've read some wonderful memoirs lately and while I'll post mini reviews later, I'd like to recommend the following: The Pioneer Woman by Ree Drummond, I Beat the Odds by Michael Oher, Heart Matters by Kathy Magliato, In a Heartbeat by Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, and Kasey to the Rescue by Ellen Rogers.

5. Before I have children and get tied down in a crazy (albeit fun) life, I'd like to explore and hike in New Zealand. I know there's the whole earthquake thing right now, but it will clear up sooner or later right?

Monday, February 21, 2011

sometimes it's just easier to add them

I decided I'll add my mom as a facebook friend, but of course there were rules I needed to enforce. If I were 14 years old, it would be completely different and I'd HOPE any parent of a tween would require friending as a condition of being on facebook, but as a nearly-24-year-old, things are a little different. So I created this contract, and if an other adult children are getting hassled by their parents about adding them on facebook, feel free to use and edit this to your comfort level. Though a lot of parenting experts recommend parents NOT tag their kids in photos, I'm actually fine with my mom doing that, especially since I know she has quite a few vacation pics on her page. Plus, she's not really the type to upload naked baby pics, and even if she did, I'm 24 years old, my body's changed a bit since then so why be embarrassed. (note to mom if you're reading this, that doesn't give you PERMISSION to dig out the naked baby pics) Other than that, I don't really have anything to censor, I don't swear on my page and I don't have any racy pics to hide. But it is a little weird letting a parent into my world. It's like sharing a bedroom with them.

Parent-Child Facebook Friends Contract

As the parent of "Lindsey Christine Carpenter" (henceforth referred to as "subject"), I agree to the following conditions:

1. I will read the following articles:;

2. I will recognize that reading and participating on facebook pages is kind of like picking up the line when subject is talking on the phone with a friend or walking into the subject's room.

3. I will not lecture or make comments on subject's page that I would not make to a friend. I will not criticize content on subject's page either on facebook or in person. (ie. would you tell a friend to watch her language or that a picture is unflattering?)

4. I will not expect or request that a subject edit her page in any way, shape or form.

5. I will not message subject's facebook friends to find out stories behind posts or convos.

6. I will not initiate facebook chat unless I have a specific purpose (as in, don't just start chatting for the sake of chatting). Texting and calling should be attempted first before chatting or posting on subject's wall.

7. I will bear in mind that being facebook friends does not change the child-parent relationship.

8. I will not criticize use of swear words on subject's page, should this apply, either by subject or subject's friends.

9. I recognize that I may: tag subject in photos; make situationally-appropriate comments on subject's posts/convos as pertaining to no. 3; add subject's friends if you personally know them and abide by no. 5; mention subject in my statuses; suggest pages for subject to like; invite subject to groups or events; label subject as a family member; refer to a facebook post made by subject as long as no. 3 is followed.

10. I will not use the poke mechanism.

Subject reserves the right to remove comments by parent from facebook page. When unsure if a comment will be deleted or not, err on the side of caution and refrain from posting. Subject reserves the right to revise or add to conditions after trial run of one month.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's really not a great way to start my day

1. I was going to go running today because it's been unseasonably warm lately. I walked outside...and it was raining.

2. My best friend got engaged on Valentine's Day. Her kids are gonna make FUN of her.

3. Just got a message on (of which I'm not a member) from someone who calls himself bigstrudel. fml.

4. Does anyone have an electric drill? Seriously people, it's not THAT hard to have an electric drill. For some reason, my family has one drill, two batteries for it AND NO CHARGER. So it's useless. We also have a hammer drill, but I want to put my curtain rod up, not take out the wall.

5. My car's been getting pretty bad gas mileage. After taking inventory of my car (including 18 record album frames, an extra work uniform, 3 complete changes of clothes, two tires, a box of more clothing, quite a few books and magazines, some industrial-strength plastic wrap and two cases of water), I'm starting to consider the idea that maybe my car could be too heavy to get decent gas mileage. It IS a Ford Focus after all, it's made of plastic and weighs something like 200 pounds.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Five Fast Things

1. I've been either listening or playing in my head Uprising by Muse for the past 3 days. Makes me want to start a revolution, who's with me?

2. I'm so lucky to have a job where I can read all night.

3. I finally completely cleaned out my wallet for the first time since I, uh, bought it. There were things from 8 months ago in there. Now it actually closes, but my work garbage can is literally filled to the brim. How did it all fit??

4. Driving on solid ice is not quite the danger people think it is. Be careful and conscientious, sure, but it does not require going 10 miles an hour on all stretches of road. Promise.

5. WHY is the peeptoe ankle boot style so popular IN THE WINTERTIME? Winter means snow and peeptoe means snow ON YOUR TOES. blech.

More Facebook statuses

I wish Twitter allowed more characters in a post. This is why I refuse to Twitter. About me, anyway. My dog's twitter is at

Recent statuses:

Should I: take up electric guitar, get a tattoo, or buy a motorcycle?

Feeling mildly pleased with myself for using a President's Day logo on my February calendar instead of Valentines day.

Pretty sure im driving on solid ice.

nothing like loudly cracking my knee on my desk to break the silence in the office.

I love it on Army Wives when Joan babyproofs the whole house (including upper cabinets) 6 weeks before it's due. Roland: "She's not gonna come out of the womb walking...let alone looking for coffee mugs..."

You'd think, preparing to attend my FOURTH college, I'd have this transcript-request think down pat. But it still takes forever for me to get all these done!

I wanna be Veronica Mars!

Dangit i need guitar hero warriors of rock!

Also, not appreciating my singing in the car being interrupted by the new potholes created by our snowplows.

Joann fabric is a cesspool of young moms and their heartbreakingly adorable small children.

I couldnt find my phone anywhere in my car. Why? I was using it to text. Fml.

There was a crown vic following me today. I was panicking trying not to give the cop a reason to pull me over. Then it passed me. It was a taxi. fml

Dad: you know what show i watched today? (tries to remember name) the gilmore girls! Me: long pause. Dad: i like the mom and, rory, well, she's really funny!

Dad: okay let's get technical for a minute. You know the uh...the web station? Uh... (Blank stares)...Oh, the internet!

My mom spotted some really short cowboy boots at kohls. Mom: wow! Aren't these cute? Me: for a 5-year-old... Mom: i'm gonna try them on!

I have Saturday night off...who's hanging out with me? (note that no one replied)

bagels but no cream cheese, bread and peanut butter but no honey, tortilla chips but no cheese. And my mom wonders why I don't bother eating at home.

You know, I like In Plain Sight, but I'm always just left with so many QUESTIONS at the end of each episode. It doesn't do a good job of tying up loose ends or fleshing out storylines. Or heck, even finishing them.

Pretty sure i'm getting carpal tunnel from guitar hero. Sad part? I've been playing on the easy setting.

The second dead spider on my ceiling is gone....crap.....was it really dead? was right above my pillow...

You what the ironic thing is? Working graveyard is so slow that i HAVE to get at least 8 hrs of sleep otherwise I'll fall asleep at work. Interesting.

sheesh. FINALLY got an invite to go watch Zags at five mile pizza. My mom called me when they were IN THE CAR about to leave. Thanks mom.

Lessons in Dating

So I haven't dated a ton of guys, but I have learned a few things. And since I'm still single, these aren't necessarily the way to find your forever companion, but ways to avoid the what-ifs.

1. Date a guy with a motorcycle. And learn a few things from him about types of bikes, just enough to hold your own in conversation.

2. If he doesn't love your pet as much as you do, don't think it will get better over time. It won't.

3. Just because he loves his mother/grandmother and is great with children does not mean he is "the one." But whoever you marry had better have these qualities.

4. While in a relationship, talk with your friends/family about the ups and downs if you wish, but keep in mind that while you can kiss and make up, they may not feel the same way about him in the future, knowing the bad stuff.

5. If he criticizes your favorite TV show more than once, despite knowing it's your favorite, run.

6. You're not a whore if you make out with someone you met that night and then never see them again. That could change if you sleep with someone you met that night and never see them again.

7. Hanging out with the girls is JUST as important as hanging out with your boy. Not merely important, or a nice thing to do, it's JUST AS IMPORTANT. Make sure you treat time with your friends and your boy EQUALLY.

8. Never text at the dinner table. This includes a nice restaurant, Pizza Hut, wherever. Don't do it. Learn to have a conversation.

9. Sexting IS cheating.

10. Don't date your co-workers unless you are okay with finding another job. Not saying you HAVE to find another job, but be prepared.

11. If a guy likes you, he will be okay if you have to reschedule a date due to work or prior commitment. Don't rearrange your whole life just for him...unless he has tickets to (insert awesome band here).

12.It's okay if a guy sees you without makeup. It's not okay if he's not okay with you not wearing makeup. Did you follow that?

13. Hotness is not everything.

14. If he's a big spender now, he'll be a big spender later, regardless of how much money he makes.

15. A boy makes twice as much of a mess as any girl. If you find an exception to the rule, Vegas is a quick flight from your nearest airport.

16. Hand-delivered, homemade brownies (or at least brownie mix) is an easy way to score a date.

17. Guys need an ego stroke once in a while, and they may not always return the favor. It's okay. They're guys, we're girls, we're different.

18. Believe what he does, not what he says.

19. Does he think his job is more important than yours? Bad sign, even if it is.

20. He may not understand, but I will if you ask to see a copy of his credit report. We gotta be realistic here. Even if your credit sucks, 2 people applying for a loan with bad credit is worse than one.

21. Can he change the oil in your car? Bonus.

22. Watching him learn to make an origami crane is possibly the best way to see how much patience he has.

23. Keep the money separate. If you get married and want a joint account, I recommend direct depositing equal percentages (not neccessarily amounts) of your paychecks into it, and keep the rest in your own bank accounts. By the same token, be fair about who pays for what. Just because he makes more money doesn't mean he should be covering all the payments so you can have fun with your salary.

24. A good rule of thumb to make dating easier is three questions: does he have a job? a car? his own place or plans to get one? Ultimately it's up to how much you like the guy, but if you have 2 equally awesome guys, go with the one you can answer yes to on these questions. I hope this isn't a shocker for anyone.

25. Don't date a guy with a scooter. Just. dont.

More to come as I learn them.