Monday, February 21, 2011

sometimes it's just easier to add them

I decided I'll add my mom as a facebook friend, but of course there were rules I needed to enforce. If I were 14 years old, it would be completely different and I'd HOPE any parent of a tween would require friending as a condition of being on facebook, but as a nearly-24-year-old, things are a little different. So I created this contract, and if an other adult children are getting hassled by their parents about adding them on facebook, feel free to use and edit this to your comfort level. Though a lot of parenting experts recommend parents NOT tag their kids in photos, I'm actually fine with my mom doing that, especially since I know she has quite a few vacation pics on her page. Plus, she's not really the type to upload naked baby pics, and even if she did, I'm 24 years old, my body's changed a bit since then so why be embarrassed. (note to mom if you're reading this, that doesn't give you PERMISSION to dig out the naked baby pics) Other than that, I don't really have anything to censor, I don't swear on my page and I don't have any racy pics to hide. But it is a little weird letting a parent into my world. It's like sharing a bedroom with them.

Parent-Child Facebook Friends Contract

As the parent of "Lindsey Christine Carpenter" (henceforth referred to as "subject"), I agree to the following conditions:

1. I will read the following articles:;

2. I will recognize that reading and participating on facebook pages is kind of like picking up the line when subject is talking on the phone with a friend or walking into the subject's room.

3. I will not lecture or make comments on subject's page that I would not make to a friend. I will not criticize content on subject's page either on facebook or in person. (ie. would you tell a friend to watch her language or that a picture is unflattering?)

4. I will not expect or request that a subject edit her page in any way, shape or form.

5. I will not message subject's facebook friends to find out stories behind posts or convos.

6. I will not initiate facebook chat unless I have a specific purpose (as in, don't just start chatting for the sake of chatting). Texting and calling should be attempted first before chatting or posting on subject's wall.

7. I will bear in mind that being facebook friends does not change the child-parent relationship.

8. I will not criticize use of swear words on subject's page, should this apply, either by subject or subject's friends.

9. I recognize that I may: tag subject in photos; make situationally-appropriate comments on subject's posts/convos as pertaining to no. 3; add subject's friends if you personally know them and abide by no. 5; mention subject in my statuses; suggest pages for subject to like; invite subject to groups or events; label subject as a family member; refer to a facebook post made by subject as long as no. 3 is followed.

10. I will not use the poke mechanism.

Subject reserves the right to remove comments by parent from facebook page. When unsure if a comment will be deleted or not, err on the side of caution and refrain from posting. Subject reserves the right to revise or add to conditions after trial run of one month.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's really not a great way to start my day

1. I was going to go running today because it's been unseasonably warm lately. I walked outside...and it was raining.

2. My best friend got engaged on Valentine's Day. Her kids are gonna make FUN of her.

3. Just got a message on (of which I'm not a member) from someone who calls himself bigstrudel. fml.

4. Does anyone have an electric drill? Seriously people, it's not THAT hard to have an electric drill. For some reason, my family has one drill, two batteries for it AND NO CHARGER. So it's useless. We also have a hammer drill, but I want to put my curtain rod up, not take out the wall.

5. My car's been getting pretty bad gas mileage. After taking inventory of my car (including 18 record album frames, an extra work uniform, 3 complete changes of clothes, two tires, a box of more clothing, quite a few books and magazines, some industrial-strength plastic wrap and two cases of water), I'm starting to consider the idea that maybe my car could be too heavy to get decent gas mileage. It IS a Ford Focus after all, it's made of plastic and weighs something like 200 pounds.